Anxiety Panic Attacks

Find out how to control anxiety panic attacks Now!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Controlling Anxiety Panic Attacks

Controlling anxiety panic attacks covers 2 aspects. First, you have to know what to do when you are going through it. Second, you need to know how to prevent it from occurring. Both aspects are equally important in controlling anxiety panic attacks to enable people with such conditions to lead normal lives.

Panic attack is a form of anxiety disorder. It is a condition that occurs repeatedly but at a higher extremity compared to normal anxiety attacks. Symptoms include, breathlessness, feeling choked, chest pain/pressure, racing hear, sweating, nausea and extreme fear.

Controlling anxiety panic attacks through preventive measures goes a long way in making sure that the frequency of the attack is reduced. It will also be very important especially to prevent situations where it can disrupt your life or even cause accidents like when you are driving. So how do you prevent the attacks?

1. Exercise. Exercising releases hormones that helps you to have a positive mindset, thus protecting you against negative feelings which may be one of the trigger factors for the attacks. Exercising also includes muscle relaxation techniques.
2. What you consume affects your reaction to panic attacks. Alcohol or relaxation drugs may do the job in the moment, but it will worsen your condition in the long run. Caffeine is a stimulant of your nervous system so avoid it as well.
3. The way you breathe plays an important role in helping you to prevent the attacks. Make it a routine few times during the day to consciously control your breathing. Do deep and slow breathing exercises by breathing in slowly and hold your breath for a second and breathe out slowly after that and repeat a few times. By the way, this technique is also useful during the attack itself.
4. Seek professional help on how you can best prevent the attacks. Some individuals need medication to constantly calm them down.

Controlling anxiety panic attacks when it is happening is never easy but not impossible. Here are some of the proven methods that work:
1. As mentioned, the deep breathing exercise applies during panic attacks. It is one of the most effective methods to use.
2. Distraction. You can distract yourselves with another activity be it physical or mental. This is to prevent you from focusing on the cause of the attack continuously. An example would be to do a mental count down from 100 in multiples of 3.
3. If you happen to be with someone you trust or are comfortable with, ask the person to massage your palm.
4. Never lock your jaws as it will worsen your nausea. You need to relax your face muscles.

Find out more techniques to controlling anxiety panic attacks and start getting your life back today.

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